Top > Overview of System to Remedy Unfair Labor Practices

Overview of System to Remedy Unfair Labor Practices

The Constitution of Japan guarantees workers’ rights to organize, bargain and act collectively (the right to strike, etc.) in order that workers can be on an equal footing with their employers. These are known as the three rights of workers.
To guarantee the three basic workers’ rights in a practical way, Article 7 of the Labor Union Act prohibits the following acts by employers (outlined below) as unfair labor practices.
If an employer is thought to have engaged in an unfair labor practice, the workers or labor union can file a complaint with the Labor Relations Commission up to one year from the date of the incident, in order to have the employer rectify those practices.

(1)Dismissal or other unfair treatment of an employee bicause that employee is a member of a labor union
(Article 7 ,Item 1 of the Labor Union Act)

(2)Refusal of collective bargaining without proper reasons
(Article 7 , Item 2)

(3)Control and interference in the operation and other matters of a labor union.Offre financial support to a labor union
(Article 7 , Item 3)

(4)Unfair treatment of a worker for having filed a complaint with the Labor Relations Commission
(Article 7 , Item 4)

Examination of Unfair Labor Practices
